La Festive

"Floral and Meaty"

Tasting note

Nose delicate and Fruity, palate recalls the aromas of the nose to which are added the finesse of bubbles for greater refreshment and pleasure.


(10°C) : For Cocktails and Wedding receptions, it associates perfectly with poultry, meats, fish, blending flavors of exotic dishes and for dessert to accompany tarts, melon,or strawberries.


Drink within 4 years.

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Festive and Fruity

  • Type of wine : Sparkling rose Extra Dry
  • Grape Variety : 100% Pineau d’Aunis
  • Soil type: Clay and slate (semi-profond)
  • Wine making :
    • Production of the vase wine with grape harvested manuelly in perforated boxes then the harvest is pressed in a pneumatic press. Foaming and aging in bottles between 14°C and 18°C.
    • The wine acquires more fat and complexity Riddling and disgorging after the aging period.
    • The bottles are placed on points (head down) to be disgorged. We add an expedition liqueur to obtain a tender and delicate wine.
  • Taste : Pink color with fine sustained bubbles.